12 minute transfers..

How many airports can offer that?

As a regular user of London Luton Airport, I have been watching the airport’s transformation with interest.   Piece by piece on each visit over the last few years, the airport has morphed from a tired, cramped facility into a slicker, easier experience – at least most of the time!

Imagine my delight when last week’s trip through the airport last week coincided with the opening day of the airport’s new transit link, known as the DART.    From the plane to the train took an incredible 12 minutes.   I got off my inbound flight from Edinburgh at 1934 and had boarded my London bound train by 1946. There was no running, no queuing, no packed like sardines bus and the experience was just exactly how surface access to and from an airport should be – well done Luton Airport!     On the basis that you can never repeat a good experience twice, I was expecting something different on my return leg the next day – but, again – 12 minutes was the magic number. My train arrived in at 1754 to Luton Airport Parkway and just 12 minutes later I was in the short queue at security.    I think the walk to the inevitable gate 1 for my flight back to Edinburgh took longer!

Accessing London in a cost effective and timely way is key for all of the airports in the London Airport system.   Luton certainly seem to recognised that and as someone who makes at least two trips a month south, certainly appreciate their efforts!

-Deirdre Fulton


Pressure cooker summer.


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